Thursday, June 19, 2008

010 Binaltech HOUND

The pix are properties of SEIBERTRON.COM.


Envy is in man's nature... I felt this at a tender age of 7 (1985?) when a classmate brought his G1 Hound to school and plays with it right before my eyes, transforming it from jeep to robot and back again while i look for my jaw...

That day never left me. I love Hound, that green Autobot character, i love the toy, but i have not met my wallet yet...

But now!!! HAH!!!

I wish he can see me now, that classmate of mine! BWAHAHA! So i can see envy shift! (but then, by now, he's probably got a real car, his own business, his own house, several girlfriends, a wife, you know, stuff for 30 year olds, so meh... whatever. i love toys!)

Bought: November, 2007.


Mark Rosario said...

Hahah.. Interesting. At least, you got what you wanted, that's what's important.

kaJO said...

very true, planet markus, good sir! :-)